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A letter to Nate ~ 11 years old today!

Dear Nate,

I can’t believe you are 11 today. It seems that just yesterday you were tugging on my hand at the Mahaska County Fair telling me to “Stop looking at the goats MOM! Let’s GOOOOOO!”

Nate when he was 3 🙂

Time is just flying by and I want it to slow down, yet I know that God has great plans for you and your future. So, we’ll keep moving on, just like that day at the fair. On to even better things!

It was 11 years ago when you came into this world at 4:11 in the morning. You were one month early, but Daddy and I knew you were going to be an early bird. And you still are. You love to wake up early (especially on weekends, when we could sleep in). That getting up early, dear son, is not a trait you got from me and my genes. No, the early riser that you are…you are just like your daddy.

5 lbs. 15 oz. — you were such a little thing!

When we brought you home, I was scared and excited. Having never been a mom before, you were about to show me that this would be the greatest job on earth. Instantly, you won our hearts. I would spend hours just looking at you and snuggling with you.

Welcome home Nate Andrew!

As you grew, we knew that you’d be a GREAT big brother. And so, when Maxim was born, you were ready to be the best brother he could have.

At 4 years old, you welcomed little brother Maxim to this world.

You have always loved your little brother so much. I love that about you, Nate. You love fiercely and deeply. Nate, you are such a protective big brother and we love watching how you and Maxim are best buds. Always, always stay close…he’s one of your biggest fans (next to Dad and I).

Brotherly love

Christmas time with little brother 🙂

Christmas 2015 – how can you be almost 11 in this picture? And Maxim is almost 7?

There are so many things you love to do. Fishing, riding your four-wheeler, playing outside in the mud, and looking for deer sheds. You love everything about the outdoors!

Fishing…oh, how you LOVE to fish!

Four-wheeling with Dad…in the mud, of course!

Riding the Ranger and hunting for deer sheds 🙂

And then, there are the sports that you love…


Nate and his bronze medal in the State Track meet

Running for a touchdown!

You’ve become quite the baller…loving to hit those long 2 pointers and 3’s.

When it comes to sports, you are such a natural. Nate, we love watching you run track, play football, and play basketball! Your quick feet you for sure got from your dad, but the love of running, you got from me. And then, when it comes to basketball…that’s all your dad’s genes. Buddy, keep working hard in all you do! You are so competitive and you give it your all! We are super proud of you!

When I think about you and things you enjoy doing, many things come to mind. You love hanging out with your cat Pumpkin, playing with your friends, going to school, picking up a game of basketball or football with the neighborhood boys, and just plain ol’ having fun. You LOVE life and it shows!

Nate and his kitten Pumpkin

Seriously. This kid. I love him so much!

Nate ready to play his trombone for his band concert

Nate, you make our family perfect. You’re the best big brother and the best Nate Andrew! We love you so much!!!

Family of four… 🙂

My three favorite guys 🙂

Smiles on vacation in South Dakota!

And so, as you turn 11 today, we pray that you will continue to be the caring boy that you are. Nate, you are turning into a such a young gentleman and we are so happy to see you love God with all of your heart…that is the most important thing! Keep your eyes on Him and He will guide you and bless you!

This is a fun week…turning 11. We will celebrate ALL WEEK LONG. May you eat tons of tacos, pizza, frosted sugar cookies, and cake to celebrate your birthday week! (And I can’t forget…cucumbers and carrots! OH, how you LOVE your veggies!!) Have a fun birthday week and we love you always!

Happy Birthday Nate Andrew!! We love you always!!!

xoxo ~ Mom and Dad


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