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A list of random things

I am going off the beaten path and today’s blog post is a list of things.  Because sometimes a list is just fun to read.

1.  I’ve realized that if I were on a deserted island and the only thing to eat where grilled hot dogs, I would be JUST FINE.  Oh. My. Word.  Yesterday, I was ambitious at lunchtime.   I grilled hot dogs for the boys and my bestie’s son, Carver.  And it was hard to stop at just one.  I love me a good grilled hot dog on a soft bun, slathered in ketchup and a dab of mustard.  Seriously, I could have eaten three of them.  Or four.  But due to swimsuit season looming in the near future…I ate just one.

2.  Spring break is reminding me that I really should invest in popsicle stock.  Freeze pops. Bomb pops.  Flav-Vor-Ice pops.  ANY KIND.  My boys and their buddies can eat fifteen in a half hour.

3.  Water bottles.  We might need to invest in Aquafina, too.  Because kids get thirsty about every ten minutes.  And bottles of water are being chugged on this nice spring days.  You know what would be nice?  Having one of those water spigots that we used to have on my grandparents farm.  Remember these?

The perfect water fountain

Yes.  If you know of anyone who can install one of these…SIGN ME UP.

4.  I love the Perfect Pasta Salad that I made yesterday.  I make it about every other week in the spring and summer…it’s just that good and easy.  I shared the recipe last year (Perfect Pasta Salad recipe).  It was perfect with our hamburgers on the grill that we had for supper.

Ingredients to make the Perfect Pasta Salad


5.  I made Leprechaun Brownies yesterday.  They are super easy to make.  And in a month, they’ll be Springtime Brownies.  Or this summer, they’ll be Fourth of July Brownies.  Take a box of your favorite brownie mix and mix it up.  (We love Betty Crocker’s fudge brownie mix.)  Pour it in a 9×13 greased pan.  Right before you bake them, add festive mini M&M’s on top of the batter.  (I just added the green mini M&M’s…a big hit for St. Patrick’s Day.) Easy peasy.

So easy and good!


6.  In my favorite online Bible study at IF: Equip, we are starting a three week study up through Easter about the final moments of Jesus’ life.

Check out this website

You guys.  This website has made reading the Bible so easy for me.  In this Easter study, we’ll be reading from snippets of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Each day, you have a small bit of reading from the Bible, and then there is a 2 minute video of two gals that share what that passage meant to them. The final week of the study, we’ll read about Jesus’ death and resurrection.  What better way to prepare our hearts then to read and reflect on what our Savior has done for us…you’ve gotta check it out.

And that’s all for today.  Maybe I’ve inspired you to whip up a pan of Leprechaun Brownies today.  Or make the delicious Perfect Pasta Salad.  Or maybe I’ve reminded you that with spring coming…it’s time to stock up on popsicles.

Hope you’ve enjoyed my list of randomness.  🙂  Have a random thought you’d love to share?  Comment below…I love hearing from you all!  Have a super day and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


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