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Fun Friday Favorites: All kinds of Easter goodness and an easy recipe

Today’s Fun Friday Favorites are all about Easter.

I’ll highlight some Easter fashion because everyone loves a new outfit for Easter Sunday.  And I want to share a few tunes that are just lovely in honor of one of the most important holidays coming upon us.  Also, in honor of Resurrection Sunday, I’ll share with you an easy recipe called Resurrection Rolls.  You can make these easy treats with little ones and have a great discussion about the meaning of Easter.

As we celebrate Easter this weekend, may we be ever mindful that it’s not about the bunny or the chocolate eggs.  It’s all about the most amazing gift God gave us…eternal life that we can have all because of Jesus dying on the cross, so that our sins would be forgiven.  What amazing grace God has for us.  I hope you will find a church to attend on Sunday and if you’re looking for one…visit our church…Stonebridge Church is absolutely wonderful and I’d love for you to come!

For starters, I’m kicking off Fun Friday Favorites with this awesome song that I am constantly singing…

1.  Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham –

Oh, I LOVE this song soooooo much.  And it’s so true.  It’s amazing to think Jesus took our place and His blood was shed so that we might be forgiven…It IS amazing grace.

2.  Resurrection Rolls –

Nate and Maxim helping make Resurrection Rolls 🙂

These cinnamon tasting crescents are so easy and yummy.  But it’s the symbolism behind the recipe that is cool.  The boys and I read about Jesus dying on the cross and we made these rolls together.

You’ll need five ingredients:  sugar, cinnamon, butter, large marshmallows, and crescent rolls

Take a large marshmallow and talk about the color – it’s white to symbolize how pure Jesus was and yet, He chose to die for our sins.  Just as they embalmed Jesus with oil and spices as was the custom, you take the marshmallow and roll it into melted butter.  Then, roll it in the spices of cinnamon and sugar.  Next, put the marshmallow on the crescent roll dough and wrap the crescent roll around the marshmallow, pinching it tight to symbolize the tomb that Jesus was buried in and how they sealed it tight with a rock covering the entrance.  Bake for 10-12 minutes at 350 degrees and when you take them out of the oven…there is no marshmallow…the “tomb” is empty, just like Jesus’ tomb was empty because He came back to life and was resurrected.

The ‘tombs’ filled with marshmallows, ready to bake

Enjoying our tasty treats and talking about Jesus being our Savior 🙂

Such a simple activity to use and talk about Jesus and His resurrection!  These are the talks that are important…not to mention, enjoying the yummy treats, too!

3.  Old Rugged Cross –

This song is my favorite hymn.  Growing up going to Union Mills Church, we would sing this song and every. single. time. it made my heart happy.  I LOVE this song.  It’s my brother Ben’s favorite hymn, too.  I think it’s because we knew how much Grandpa Caleb loved this song.  These four guys do an outstanding job of singing it a cappella style.  My mom had posted this on Facebook and when I saw it, I was amazed at their talent.  Thanks Mom for sharing.

4.  A little Easter fashion…the Utility Blouse from Loft –


I love this color 🙂

I bought this blouse in island aqua to wear on Easter Sunday.  Sometimes, I’ll wear a dress, but this year, I plan to wear pants.  This color is so springy and I think it’ll look nice with a few necklaces and bracelets.  (Remember, I love to layer my jewelry.  The more bracelets, the better.)  And, Loft was having a sale at 40% off, so that’s a bargain.

5.  Curvy straight jeans in white from the Loft –

Great pants for any occasion.

I’ve been on the lookout for a nice pair of white pants.  These are actually jeans, which is fine by me.  With my island aqua blouse and some wedge sandals, I tend to be a little more casual this Easter.  I have a feeling I’ll wear these pants a lot.  So many tops will look great with these white pants…endless options, I believe.  Again, I got 40% off at the Loft so yippy skippy!  Who doesn’t love a good sale?!

6.  A few Easter ideas for the boys –

Target has some great Easter gift ideas

I picked these things up at Target for us to give the boys on Easter.  The CovertOps handheld cross bows were only $7.99 each…what a bargain!  And they resemble the Nerf guns they have with soft bullets.  I’m sure the bullets will be found behind the couch, in chair cushions, and under desks…Oh, the life of being a mama of boys…I love it!  And a kite for each of them.  Every spring, they usually get some sort of kite.  It’ll last for a few flying lessons, but what kid doesn’t love trying to fly a kite?  The Easter Bunny will bring some goodies in their baskets, but if you’re needing ideas…a kite or a handheld cross bow would be a perfect place to start.

7.  The Passion of the Christ movie –

Such a powerful movie

Oh.  This movie.

A portrayal of the sacrifice Jesus made for us

It is finished.

This movie.  It was so moving.

If you have not seen The Passion of the Christ, it’s on TBN throughout the weekend.

I saw it for the first time two years ago around Easter and I bawled my eyes out… it’s incredible. (I bawled. A lot.)  To think that Jesus loves each of us sooo much that He would go through what He did on that cross.  To save each of us.  His love is amazing.

I’m reminding myself that Easter isn’t about the Peeps, chocolate bunnies, & eggs…it’s about our Savior.  And how much He loves us!  Have a blessed weekend and Happy Easter!!


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