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Fun Friday Favorites: My book, a lot of prayers, and of course…some fashion

You guys. I cannot wait. Tomorrow at this time, I’ll be speaking at the Women’s Brunch at Stonebridge Church in Cedar Rapids and I’m OUT OF MY MIND EXCITED! God has laid some wonderful things on my heart and I can’t wait to share them with you. You are coming, right? Good. I’ll see you there!

And guess what else I’m excited about? My book. God is continuing to open miraculous doors. Can I get an AMEN?! Now listen. I need a few things from you, my dear friends.

  1. I need your prayers. Start raisin’ them up because God is moving here, folks. You know, miracles don’t “just happen”. God is in control and He is continuing to do some awesome work that I’m seeing play out right before my eyes. #whoopwhoop

  2. I need to you spread this blog. Spread the news. Comment below in this blog. I want you to be so excited to read my book, “Just a Small Town Girl”. This book about my life. About growing up in the ’80s, and how through it all. I mean all…the good, the bad, the funny, and the ugly…God and His grace has lavishly blessed me. And how that same grace is available for you. (Trust me, it’s a great book you will not be able to put down.) Will you help me tell the world about my book when it gets published?! It takes an army and I need you. And it all starts here. See, agents and publishers need to know that an author has a platform with many people who are willing to read her book. So, who’s in?!

Now that I’ve pulled myself down from that happy cloud, it’s time for Fun Friday Favorites. You just might see some things on here today that I’ll be sporting tomorrow at the Women’s Brunch. You know me…when I find something I love, I gotta share it.

  1. KanCan jeans –

I’m loving this brand!

I wavered back and forth about my outfit for the brunch on Saturday. I love my maxi dresses, but I am really loving these white jeans. The Buckle carries them and look how reasonably priced they are! #smartshopper  Anyway. These jeans are comfortable and with a nice blouse and jewelry, I’ll feel comfortable and springy wearing them tomorrow.

2.  Lush Blouse –

The perfect color for spring!

You know how much I love the Lush blouses. This would look great with a pop of turquoise…perhaps a necklace or some big earrings? Also, I usually wear a cami underneath these blouses. Von Maur or Nordstrom has a great selection of them.

3. BP “Summers” Wedge Sandal –

I have a strong attachment to wedge sandals. (It’s kind of how I feel about soft chocolate chip cookies, too. But that’s beside the point.) Nordstrom has these wedges and I cannot stop thinking about them. I love the cork look! I just might have to pull the trigger and purchase them, especially since they are on sale right now.

4. Kendra Scott “Sophee” earrings –

These gold earrings are a must.


I bought these earrings last week at Von Maur (Nordstrom carries them, too) and I absolutely love them. You know how much I am loving gold accessories these days…the “Sophee” earrings are perfect! Not too heavy and my favorite aspect of them…slightly big. For that fashionable look, of course.

5. Lush knit maxi dress –

This is a great spring/summer maxi

I believe I highlighted this awhile back, but Nordstrom has this dress on sale right now. I’m all about the flowy, comfortable maxi dress. It’s like wearing lounge wear, but without the shame of still being in your clothes you woke up in. Yes. Maxi dresses are that just that comfortable.

6.  Nate and his football team –

Nate and his buddy discussing a play 🙂


One of my favorites is seeing our oldest son, Nate, THRIVE at football. He has great friends on his team, amazing coaches and this spring season has been so much fun to watch! #proudmom

7. Maxim playing baseball –

Our favorite baseball player 🙂

Another one of my favorites is watching our six-year old (soon to be seven next week!) play baseball. Maxim is so excited to be playing baseball this year. He enjoyed T-ball, but he has been ready to step up his game for the past few years. #hewantstobelikethebigguys  His buddy is on his team and he just can’t wait to go to the practices.

Today’s edition of Fun Friday Favorites has been a smattering of this ‘n that, I know. But. I want to thank you for your support as I continue following this dream of becoming a published author. Your support and prayers mean the world to me! #youarethebest

So, whether you go shopping for some springtime fashion or you happen to be sitting at a ball park, football field, or perhaps at the Women’s Brunch…take time this weekend to enjoy the spring season with your friends and family. Enjoy the moment. 🙂 xo ~ Angela Banae


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