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Fun Friday Favorites: Rain boots, signs, and good check ups

Can you all believe it’s FRIDAY?!!! This week has flown by! Between going to visit family last Sunday, wrapping up basketball practices (Maxim’s last tourney is tomorrow. Nate’s last tourney was last weekend.), subbing, eye exams, and Hubby gone for most of the week, we’ve been busy. I’m excited for an evening of doing nothing and a weekend that’s a little slower paced. And everyone said AMEN.

Without further ado, let’s get to Fun Friday Favorites!!

These are my favorite! I got them a year ago and they’re so versatile. I’ve worn them in the winter with the Hunter wool socks, in the spring in the muck and the mud, in the fall to those rainy football games, and even in the summer. Ladies, grab yourself a pair of Hunters because you’ll wear them ALL THE TIME. As a matter of fact, I wore these the other day when I took Nate to get his haircut because it was rainy and dreary.

One of my most worn tops in my closet.

This top/tunic is my go-to top when I’m going out with the girls, to a concert, on a date, or going to a speaking engagement. Throw on some bracelets and necklaces and you’ve got yourself a snazzy look. And, it’s 33% off right now so that’s double bonus! Fashioning it…check. Rocking the sales…check.

3.  A good report from the eye doctor –

Big ol sunglasses for the win.


I had my yearly eye exam in December, but needed to go back to complete the exam. So, on Wednesday, when Nate had his eye appointment, I completed mine. They dilated my eyes and did some tests to make sure my eyes were healthy and doing well. And after that great report, they gave me these big ol fancy things to wear out in the bright sunshine. Nate and I laughed about how cool they were, except NOT. Anyway, a great eye check up is always a favorite.

4. Chips and salsa with these two –

Chips & salsa with these two boys.

Hubby has been working a lot in Ankeny and I decided that after their basketball games on Saturday, this mama needed a day out with no cooking. So we went for Mexican and devoured the chips and salsa, along with some yummy tacos and enchiladas.

5. My first sign –

I heart this sign.

Last Friday night, my friend Niki had a sign making party. I’ve never been to one of these crafty parties, but let me tell you…I LOVED IT. I made this sign and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out! Plus, we had so much fun making the signs!

Well, that’s all for today’s favorites! And, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog! Just enter your email address on the home page…I’m excited to have so many of you subscribers!

Have a wonderful weekend doing what you love!

xo ~ Angela Banae


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