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Fun Friday Favorites: Some small town favorites

Yesterday, we were in my hometown of New Sharon…otherwise known as “God’s Country”.  Seriously.  It’s just that good.  🙂

My favorites this week are all about me reflecting on some of the blessings God has blessed my family with.  Family, food, fun, and our great nation…America!

1.  Visiting Grandma Helen –

Lunchtime at Grandma Helen’s

Yesterday, we went to Grandma Helen’s to visit with her and enjoy some lunch and laughs.   In this picture, we were telling stories while enjoying a yummy Dairy Creme lunch.

2.  This dress –

This dress.

After lunch, Mom worked on organizing Grandma’s closet and they found this dress.  You guys.  THIS dress was the dress Grandma Helen made and wore to my mom and dad’s wedding about 44 years ago, back in April of 1971.  Two things:  Grandma Helen has very small wrists (I could barely snap the cuffs) and Grandma Helen had a smaller rib cage than me (a.k.a. she was a skinny thing!).  I had to suck it in, YIKES!

While cleaning out closets, Mom found some dress up props.  Maxim and Mom just HAD to try them on. 🙂

Two goofballs 🙂

It was a great day getting to visit with Grandma Helen.  Hearing stories about when she was a little girl, the BIG fish that got away up in Canada, Grandpa’s love for fishing, and more!  She’s 93 years young and still going strong…she’s an amazing woman!

One of my favorites…Grandma Helen

3.  Meeting my newest baby cousin –

After visiting Grandma Helen, we stopped by my cousins’ house.  Brent and Annie showed off the newest member of their family, Bryce Caleb.  Bryce is almost two months old (two months!).  It has been such a busy spring and I can’t believe I hadn’t been back to my hometown in two months!  So, I got some loving and cuddling time with their sweet baby boy.  #Ilovehowasweetbabysmells  #cutiepatootie

4.  Vic’s Dairy Creme –

I love me some hot fudge sundae with crunchies!

Though we had Vic’s Dairy Creme food for lunch, I just couldn’t get enough of that yummy food.  So, before leaving New Sharon, we stopped for dessert…Nate had a vanilla cone, Maxim ordered up a lime slush, and I HAD to get a hot fudge sundae with the crunch coat (crunchies).

We ate our treats and then headed to the little ‘park’.  I shared with the boys how I used to play at this park back when Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy owned the Dairy Creme. #memoriesofgoodtimes

The big red slide


They loved the merry-go-round!

Oh, I love the Dairy Creme!  So many memories of working there and taking orders, frying up cheese balls, and of course…it was the hang out spot…hanging out there in high school after softball games and on those long summer nights.  #goodolddays

We left New Sharon and headed for Oskaloosa. Mom had to volunteer at Birthright for a little bit.  Then, we went to another favorite place…Taso’s.  We had yummy pizza that I just love!  And then, headed over to the town square for some Thursday night festivities…

5.  Thursday Night Fun –

We listened to the Oskaloosa Municipal Band play well-known patriotic songs and marches.  The boys found a ball in my purse (I’m always prepared!) and played catch, while listening to the tunes from the band.  So many good things…popcorn, sno cones, and a balloon artist making lots of things for the kids.  (Of course, my boys had him make a rocket launcher and a pistol.  #typicalboys)  After the event, we ran into a few friends from New Sharon.  Such a nice, family evening.

6.  Our servicemen and women –

Tuesday night, Hubby and I watched “American Sniper” while the boys were down at my parents.  Oh. My.  That movie was so moving…it gives us an idea what our military does to protect our country.  And it showed how the military families are affected by the tours that their loved ones go on.  So thankful that we we have such brave men and women fighting for our freedom.  They are definitely one of my favorites!

7.  Our flag –

The flag flying proudly at the Fairfax Sports Complex

I just love the American flag.  Period.  I’m so proud to be an American!  #USAforever

Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  May we remember our nation’s holiday and how fortunate we are to have our freedom.

Happy 4th of July! ~ Angela Banae  xo


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