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Happy 12th Birthday Nate

Dear Nate,

It’s hard to believe that today you are 12 years old. Time is flying by and it seems like just yesterday, I woke up at 11:55 p.m. on March 8th, 2005 with contractions that made me want to cry. And four hours later, on March 9th at 4:11 in the morning, we welcomed you into this world. Two days later, we were bringing you home from the hospital weighing in at whopping 5 lbs. 15 oz. Oh, you were such a little peanut! With tons of dark hair!

Grandma Helen and Nate

I always knew I wanted to be a mom. It’s something I dreamt about since I was a little girl. When Daddy and I got married, we knew we wanted to have a family, we just didn’t know when the perfect time would be. Well, God knew. And in the summer of 2004, we found out we were expecting! You were a surprise and the minute we found out, we were so excited and already in love with you. We were also nervous because becoming a mom and dad was going to be new to us and we wanted to be the BEST parents we could possibly be to you. So we began praying and we knew we needed God to guide us.

“For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. 1 Samuel 1:27″

Oh, I absolutely LOVED being pregnant with you in my belly. The first time I felt you move, I was in awe of you, this incredible creation that God had designed and blessed us with. While I was pregnant with you, I ate many o’ cups of Dole Mandarin Oranges at 1:00 or 2:30 in the morning. It’s funny because today, you eat so many of those mandarin orange cups that I have to limit you to only having two cups a day. #likemomlikeson

On March 9th, 2005, Nate, you made me a mom. The best job I’ll ever have. And you made Dad the proudest guy. He was so blessed to have you, his firstborn son. You were a month early, but you were ready to arrive! From the first contraction I had, to you entering the world, it was only four hours. Wow, you came fast! No epidural for this mama. I remember when the nurse came in and told me that I wouldn’t be able to have the epidural, my eyes got big and wide and I thought, “Mary did this 2000 and some years ago when she had Baby Jesus in a manager…I can do this.” And you were born. Healthy and perfect. There’s absolutely nothing I’d change about that beautiful moment.

Welcome home Nate Andrew!

As years have gone by, Dad and I have watched you grow from that tons of dark haired little newborn, to a darling blonde little toddler, to a handsome young man. You make us so incredibly proud, Nate.

We love watching you and your younger brother play together. You and Maxim are truly blessed to not only be best brothers, but also best friends.


Nate, as you continue your love for football, basketball, hunting, the great outdoors, being with family and friends, and playing with Daisy, remember…you are loved so much by us and even more by God.

Nate doing what he loves…football

You have a heart that is so tender and full of love. And you love Jesus so much. That is the most important thing in the whole wide world, Nate. Always keep your eyes on our Savior and seek Him in all you do.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6”

Praying God will continue to bless you GREATLY and looking forward to an AWESOME year of you being 12! We love you so much, Nate! Happy Birthday Nate!

Love always,

Mom and Dad



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