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Happy 13th Birthday Nate!

Dear Nate,

I am still in shock…we have a TEENAGER!!! I can’t believe that today you are 13 years old! Over the past few years, I’ve reminisced on the blog about how you came into this world.

On your birthday, I always reflect about how great God is that He gave us YOU. Nate, you made me a mom and every single day, I thank God for you.

Nate, the qualities that make up who you are…well, there are a lot of great things that make you AWESOME! Now that you are a teenager, life can throw more curveballs at you and your moods may go up and down, but always remember the great things God has blessed you with.

I’ll list a few of the gifts you possess…

Athleticism. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…you have incredible endurance, lightening fast speed, and a desire to never give up. I remember that endurance and speed being put on display as early as three years old. Dad took you to the lily pond in Amana on a bike ride and you complained about having to ride in the Burley bike trailer/carrier so much, saying “I run. I RUN!” So, Daddy finally let you out and you RAN (FAST) for almost three-quarters of a mile, until the trail ended. Do I even need to mention how you can beat me in the mile run (by a lot!)….? You continue to amaze us with your abilities in football, track, and basketball. Keep working hard and never give up!

Funny. Gosh, you know how to make your friends, Dad, Maxim, and me laugh. You love to be silly and joy radiates from you when you smile. Keep that spark of humor and let it grow. The other night, as you and I were heading to track practice, we saw something on the road (in a car) and we both looked at each other and busted out laughing. In that moment, God showed me that “this teenage stuff is going to be fun” because you are developing such a sense of humor. It struck me that you really are growing up into a humorous young person who I can laugh with, just like I laugh with my friends.

Kind hearted. I thank God that you are so caring to others. Yes, you love to have fun, but you don’t make others feel hurt or sad in the process. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen God really develop this character trait in you this year. Junior High, middle school, whatever you want to call it…it’s tough. And you’ve had some hurtful moments where kids have not been kind to you, be it on the bus, at practice, or in class. But you are seeing that there are people who do care…we do (of course!), your friends, your coaches, your teachers…you have a big team of people who are standing up for you, encouraging you, and helping you as you continue to be kind and strong. And God is showing you that sticking up for the kid who is being made fun of is the right way to go. Continue to be kind, Nate. It will take you far.

The best big brother. Nate, you continue to be the best big brother to Maxim and Dad and I are so proud. Max is one of your biggest fans and one of your best buds. I love it that you both have the same interests, yet you two are also so uniquely different. Together, you guys can wrestle like no other, be so sweet and lovable to Daisy (or Sis as we call her), cheer for each other at sporting events, keep each other company when fishing, and explore out in the woods to see who can find a deer shed first. I’m so thankful God gave us two sons who are best buds.

I could keep going on and on about how wonderful you are, Nate. But then you might roll your eyes and say, “Mooooom”. So, I’ll wrap this up. 😉

Continue to shine for Jesus and know that God has a plan for you, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). We are so excited to see God continue to work in your life and we KNOW He has great plans for you!! Here’s to an awesome year of being 13!!

Happy 13th Birthday Nate!!

I love you!!! xoxo ~


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