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Life with us

Hello friends!

It’s been so long! I have missed you guys. I’m trying to make more of an effort to set aside some EARLY morning time to get back on here and blog. My goal? Two or three times a week would be wonderful! So, rather than bore you with my excuses for being absent, I will just jump right into what we’ve been up to lately.

Here is what life with us looks like…

  1. Basketball

We’ve been dribbling through these winter months with basketball. Pun intended. The season is coming to an end, but golly. It sure has been fun!

Some weekends, Nate and Maxim BOTH have tournaments so, Hubby and I will divide and conquer. On this particular weekend, both boys’ teams won some hardware. 🙂

Nate and his team got 2nd place at the Prairie Tournament

Maxim and his team got first place in their tournament

  1. Playing doctor

When you go to the Wound Clinic every single day (insert sad face here. Hard to see your baby go through pain every single day.), you get pretty good at learning how to pack a wound. This is the same wound we’ve been dealing with since November, back when Maxim was admitted to the hospital for five days, then had surgery to take care of a staff infection. There is no longer staff infection, but it has taken forever for the wound to heal, thus causing problems. We would love your prayers. (We’re heading to the U of I Children’s Hospital next week.)

But this boy. He makes a mighty find doctor, don’t you think? 🙂 The doctor and nurses were absolutely amazing at Mercy Hospital while we visited them for two weeks STRAIGHT. They gave him supplies to have for his own clinic. Friends, meet Dr. Maxim 🙂

Dr. Maxim taking care of his teddy bear’s wound.

  1. Life with Daisy

Of course, life lately involves our sweet puppy who is now 10 months old. Daisy’s latest updates involve her loving her new toys and blankie, politely begging for anything I’m baking, and yes…still working on her NOT eating her poop (insert big sigh from me). She loves her belly scratched and Maxim considers this his job.


We’re working on Daisy & her ability to sit or lay in a more lady-like manner… hahaha

  1. Writing

I’ve started writing again. This is what makes my heart beat. I absolutely love it and I’m not giving up on the dreams God has put in my heart.


  1. Family

A few weeks ago, Hubby and I took the boys to the Coralville Reservoir for some sunshine and family time. It was a beautiful day. (Let’s just talk about the elephant in the room for a minute. Yes. I tried a spray tan the day before. AND my face got a little too tan. LOL. #owningit)

After one of Max’s daily appointments to the Wound Center, we stopped at Scooters for some treats. Because packing a wound is no fun and cookies make everything better.

Stopping for a treat at Scooters…cookies and smoothies (& coffee for Mom)

And that is life with us. Come back tomorrow for Fun Friday Favorites!!

Have a great day! ~  xoxo Angela Banae


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