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Merry Christmas!

It’s Christmas Eve and I’ve been pondering the Christmas story.  It’s one that I never get tired of hearing.  Mary & Joseph traveling to Bethlehem.  Jesus born in a manager because there was no room for them in the inn.

This Christmas season, I pray that you will make room for Him in your heart.  Over two thousand years ago, the people of those days were just like us.  Busy.  Hustling and bustling.  And many didn’t make room for Him.  They. were. just. too. busy.

So many days, this can be me.  I get so bogged down with all of my responsibilities.  Especially around the Christmas season.  Baking.  Making.  Wrapping.  Cleaning.  Shopping.  The list goes on.

But the beauty of our Lord is this.  He knew full well that this is a sinful and selfish world, yet.  Yet.  He sent His only Son to come to this world to save us.  That’s what Christmas is all about.  Jesus born to a world in need.  God loving us more than we could ever love Him, and giving us the greatest gift of all…His Son.

I pray that you have time to ponder and reflect on the love and mercy and grace that God has for us.  May we celebrate the birth of Jesus with our families and may we have that close relationship with Jesus right in our hearts.  Make room for Him.  He doesn’t need some perfect person.  If He wanted perfect, He would have been born in a palace.  But instead, He was born in a manager.  A manager with hay and animals…no white crisp sanitary hospital linens.  Nope.  Clearly, He doesn’t need things to be perfect.  He just needs a willing and open heart.  That’s what I’m going to give Him this Christmas season.  A grateful heart filled with love for Him.  So many things to be thankful for…I am counting my blessings.

To wish you a Merry Christmas, I thought it would be fun to show you a copy of our Christmas card.  But that would be impossible.  Because we haven’t gotten one made.  YET.  (In the typical Angela manner…I’m holding out hope that we can get a New Year’s card out.  That’s me…always thinking positive. 😉 )

For now, I’ll share Christmas cards of the past.  I start with 2006 and end with 2010.  (Again.  In typical Angela fashion, I can’t find the last card we sent out two years ago in 2012.  I’m sure I’ll find it someday when I sort through tubs of stuff.)

2006…Nate was one year old!

2006…Look at Nate’s cute smile! I love this pic!

2007…Merry Christmas from our family of three!


2008…Let it snow! Let it Snow!

2008…and we’re expecting Baby #2!

2009…Merry Christmas from Nate and Baby Maxim!

2010…Nate is five and Maxim is one

2010…Our family of four…love these boys!

And speaking of cards and gifts…one of the best gifts you’ve given me is being a reader of my blog!  I’m so honored that you take time to read this every week!  I’m looking forward to sharing many more moments with you in the new year ahead.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas with your family and friends as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus!  Merry Christmas!


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