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Mother’s Day 2014: Carbs, cards, and boys that care

It was another busy weekend for us, but yesterday, we celebrated Mother’s Day like no other.  Well, maybe I should preface it and say I celebrated like no other.  I milked it for all it was worth folks.

We started out by scrambling around in our usual Sunday manner and trying not to be too late for church.  But, before we left for church, we had a funny moment.  The boys and I were in the kitchen.  Nate said, “Mom, do you like Coffeesmiths?”  I told him, “Yes!  I love that place!”  Then, he asked, “Do you think gift cards from there are a good idea?”  At this point, little brother about lost it and yelled, “Way to go Nate!  You ruined the surprise!”  Of course, like any good mother would do, I said, “Oh, no.  He was just asking me if I liked the place.  He didn’t ruin anything.”  So…I had a pretty good idea what my forthcoming Mother’s Day gift was going to be…

Well, we went to church, rushed home so Nate could change for his football game, but had enough time for me to be showered with an array of Mother’s Day gifts and cards.  I can’t lie.  I was so excited to see their cards they made me because they had been sitting in the living room, under a little decorative tree we have, since Thursday.  Along with a gift Maxim made in preschool that he brought home on Wednesday.  (And he never spilled the beans on what he made me.  I was so impressed!)

I opened a homemade envelope that Nate had made and decorated at school.  It was darling!  Inside, he had a neat gift…he had typed words that he said described me and the words were arranged into a computer-made portrait of him.  One that resembled his school picture.  I loved it.

Nate’s gift to me…love the words he used!

Then, Maxim gave me his cards he made, along with the preschool gift.  Inside a decorated brown paper bag was a frame with his photo in it.  Darling.  And it said, “I love you because you tuck me in at night.”

Maxim’s gift…love his smile and bare feet!

My heart was just full from these sweet things the boys had made me!  And of course, Daddy and the boys got me a beautiful card with, yes, you guessed it…a lovely gift card to my fav…Coffeesmiths.  I was thrilled!  (And so shocked.)

Mother’s Day cards…love them all!

Then, we drove to the football field only to be told at the gates that they were canceling the games for the day due to stormy weather headed our way.  And then.  Patrick asked me the golden question.


“So, Mom, where would you like the boys and I to take you to eat?”

I thought for a minute.  My eyes dreaming of scrumptious breakfast food piled high on a plate.  I think my silence scared Patrick because he immediately said, “And don’t go all crazy on us and say something like The Olive Garden.  That will be swamped on a day like today.”

No, I wasn’t thinking of pasta.  I was thinking of french toast, omelets, bacon.  All manner of breakfast food.  So, we went to IHOP.  And it was delicious.  (And even though it was swamped, the wait was only 10 minutes.  We felt like we could handle that.)

After a variety of brunch food was consumed, we drove home.  Unfortunately, all of that carb loading did me in.  By the time we pulled in the driveway (all 15 minutes of a drive), I was barely keeping my eyes open.  And that’s when I was given the beautiful gift of a nap.  As in about a TWO HOUR nap.

After sleeping the afternoon away (in my defense, it was raining so my idea of going on a family bike ride or planting flowers was thrown out the window), the boys and I did go on a walk/bike ride while I let hubby take a little snooze.  That was the least I could do, considering how much they were showering me with love and affection on this great day.

After enjoying the sunny late afternoon, we came in to get ready for supper.  I don’t want to brag, but I received another beautiful gift.  Mother’s Day was just not over yet.  I was given…the REMOTE.  Yes, I had control over that thing and wow.  I felt like a queen on a throne dictating what we’d watch.  But I was nice (because surprisingly, there were no sappy chic flicks airing on tv) so, we watched Mr. Popper’s Penguins.  While enjoying Papa Murphey’s pizza for supper.  Look at how proud the boys were of making their own little pizzas.

CHEESE and pepperoni pizzas!

My wonderful and relaxing Mother’s Day was topped off by getting to tuck the boys in bed and spend some time snuggling with each of them.  Reading a Bible story.  Praying with them.  Those moments were the best gifts of all.

What special things did you do to celebrate Mother’s Day?  Hopefully it was a day spent spoiling the mother in your life or being spoiled by your family!


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