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Pinterest: The land where dreams may (or may not) come true…

Am I the only one with 78,932 pins on Pinterest, yet have only made a handful of the projects come to fruition?

I LOVE Pinterest.  I get great ideas from it.  That website is a WEALTH of knowledge I tell you.  

One of my favorite boards to work on adding pins to is “My Style”.  Or my “Fall Fashion” board.  I’m even getting all fancy and trying to add pins to my “Never Enough Shoes” board.  Golly.  They have so many fashion tips!  I just love it.  For instance, on my fashion boards, you’ll see pins like this:

I wore a combo like this last year…loved it.

I wore an outfit similar to this a few weeks ago

And then, they offer pins like the ones below.  Complete with what sunglasses and handbag look best with your outfit.  Bless.

Accessories to go WITH your outfit

They even suggest a jacket & boots to go with your stunning black ‘n gray outfit.

Apparently, if you are given a diagram, it makes it even easier to dress the look…

Yes, Pinterest is amazing.  So many outfit ideas.  So much fashion to see.  It’s incredibly helpful.  Follow Pinterest’s suggestions and you are sure to be sporting the latest fashions.

How about all of the recipes and meal planning on Pinterest? I appreciate the meal suggestions.  And there are TONS of recipes.  You are sure to find a recipe on how to bake or cook anything.  I’ve even added some of my own recipes to the world of Pinterest.  Seriously, hold the applause.

The beauty of Pinterest is that if you’re not great at following directions, they even offer step-by-step recipes with a visual for each step.

Wow. So many pictures for a person, making it easy to follow along.

Then, just as you begin to think, “I can make this recipe.” or “Gosh, I’ve got those ingredients in my cupboard.  I’ll make this easy recipe.”…you find ideas like this that shoot down your baking, making, and cooking ego:



Yes, those little banana ghosts are just too cute.  And the little mandarin orange pumpkins?  Darling.  Am I really going to make these?  Probably not.  Because ghosts and pumpkins like this just DON’T appear on a platter in five minutes.  You need a good forty-five minutes to complete this project.  And hopefully not have any hangnails.  Because PEOPLE.  Peeling twenty mandarin oranges and all of that citric juice will seriously make those hangnails THROB like no other.

And just look at these pins…

Not happening.  I do not have 2 hours before school to create butterfly sandwich masterpieces from vegetables and cheese slices.

Mater sandwich, anyone?

While we love us some Mater, I don’t forsee him appearing anytime within this LIFETIME inside our boys’ lunch boxes.  Some pins just scream to be ignored.  Not pinning this to my board.  NO thank you.

Now, it’s time to discuss the amazing projects on Pinterest.

Here’s a project that I pinned.

Thanksgiving Munch Mix

It looked easy.  Thanksgiving munch mix: Cheez-Its, peanuts, pretzel squares, Reese’s pieces, caramel corn, honey nut cheerios, marshmallows.  Friends, this pin had NO COOKING OR BAKING INVOLVED.  As in, this should have been EASY PEASY.  

Well.  I went to the store, bought the ribbon, a few Mason jars, and all of the ingredients.  The only thing I needed to do was actually DO THE PROJECT.  Listen.  Those jars are still sitting empty in my cupboard.  With the labels still on them.  Nope.  Never made them for the boys’ teachers last year.

That’s the problem with people like me and Pinterest.  We just don’t see eye to eye on everything.  People like me have this pie-in-the-sky, dreamy attitude.  That we will actually do those DIY projects.  You see, I’m really good at pinning those pins.  But chances are, a majority of those pins won’t turn into actual “Angela Projects”.  NO.

And I’m okay with that.  Because I like to think of Pinterest as a big ol’ website of fancy dreams.  Dreams with a lot of great ideas.  (And a few crazy, NEVER HAPPENING projects in there, as well.)  Somewhere…amongst all of my pins…a few of those pins will actually come true.

What kind of Pinterest pinner are you?  Are you a doer?  Or a dreamer?  Seriously, readers…I LOVE comments.  Share with us.  PLEASE.  This is your time to brag.  Be all BOSS and own your DIY skills.  What’s been a project that you nailed?  (Or one that you wanted to do, but like me…didn’t get it done.)

No matter what kind of pinner you are, my theory is “Pin big or go home”.  So, Happy Pinning!  Or for people like me, Happy Dreaming!

And for your enjoyment, I give you a fun clip to watch.  I am cracking up over this video…

Click on the link below…


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