I can’t believe it. You all. We are getting a puppy and I’ve fallen head over heals with this little canine. AND I haven’t even met her yet.
For the longest time, Nate and Maxim have begged and begged and begged for Daddy and me to get them a dog.
“No, they are too much work.”
“We don’t have the yard space for a dog.”
“We don’t have a fenced in yard.”
“They bite and chew on everything.”
“You’ve got your friend’s dog to play with. Go play with him!”
“Do you want to pick up poop every day of your life? Me neither.”
“No, no, no, no, NO!”
Those were our responses. (Yes. Clearly, we like to be positive about things.)
Well, I can’t even tell you how it happened, but about a month and a half ago, Maxim started pressing the question again.
“Please can we get a dog?”
And Nate was right there pleading and giving us the saddest ‘puppy dog eyes’ EVER. No pun intended.
So, Daddy said yes. Then, I reluctantly said yes. And the search was on.
Much to Maxim’s dismay, we steered away from his choices. Doberman Pinscher. Mastiff. Bullmastiff. And Dalmatian.
I threw out the idea of a beagle and we started looking at all sorts of cute beagle pictures. We want a dog that can go to the farm and not worry about getting burrs in her fur. Or hair. Whatever. Beagles have shorter hair. Cuteness and friendliness was a HUGE component in our decision making process. And after polling friends on Facebook, I heard very positive things from Brad, Mary Kay, and other beagle owners. And so it was. We would get a beagle.
Being the researcher that I am, I found a very reputable beagle raising family in southern Iowa. We put down our deposit and waited for our turn to come up. We were 11th on the list. And soon enough, we were able to choose a puppy. We picked this sweet little puppy #4 and prayed that the people ahead of us wouldn’t choose her. And God answered our prayers! She became ours.
Now, every few weeks, we get pictures of her and oh. my. word. We are smitten for this kitten puppy. Seriously. She looks adorbs and I feel like such a proud mama showing her pictures off when I see friends and family.
So, dear friends. I’d love for you to meet Daisy…
I die. She is just so stinkin’ cute!
And here she was a few weeks old…
Little peanut 🙂
I laugh because Maxim said he wanted the one on the left. I had to explain that all of the images were of the same dog. #two-waymirror
We heart her!
She is about four weeks old now, so in a month, we’ll be getting her. And we are so excited!!!
So. Any doggie tips for this family? We appreciate all of the suggestions and advice!
Have a doggone good day!! ~ xo Angela Banae.