Roses are some of my favorite things. (Especially pink ones.) And so are kittens. Just like the song said. But golly, kittens and being a cat sitter and such…it’s A LOT OF WORK.
I am having a hard time getting a weekend recap up on Monday morning. My deepest apologies, friends. Maybe I should tell you what is hindering me from being prompt and diligent in my blogging.
Yes. Specifically, Ginger and Pumpkin. The boys’ kittens (who live at my parents’) (LISTEN. We CANNOT have outdoor cats in town…our neighbor’s dogs would eat them alive. Literally.) have come to stay with us for a few weeks.
Two boys excited to bring the kittens back to our house 🙂
The boys are thrilled about having their kittens come and visit for a week or two. Me? I was fine with it (they are staying in our unfinished basement and YES, they are litter box trained) (thank you, Papa Joe…you are the true Cat Whisperer). I repeat…I WAS fine with it. Until I realized how much work pets are. For the love.
Oh, sure, I can just throw some water in their bowl and cat food in their dish and check on them once a day to make sure they are alive, but unfortunately, I just. can’t. do. that.
When I am home for an hour or so, in between appointments and meetings, I feel the need to “check on the kittens”. The boys play with them after school, later in the evening, and usually in the mornings before school. Yes. They are being good kitten owners and loving on them like crazy. Maxim even found a book with a picture of kittens in it and felt the need to stand open the book for the kittens…just in case, Pumpkin and Ginger felt like reading.
Ginger is looking on, while Pumpkin is putting in her ‘reading minutes’
Yes. The boys are doing well with their responsibilities and showing the kittens how much they care for them. But, once they go to school, I feel bad when I’m home and I hear little bells being rung downstairs as Ginger plays with a toy. Or skitter scatter paws across the floor as Pumpkin is probably pouncing on the toy cat nip footballs that Nate bought for her. YES. I feel like I need to check on them and pet them and talk to them, even if only for five minutes. (I keep telling myself, “I’m not a crazy cat lady. I’m not a crazy cat lady.”)
So, being a loving cat sitter (that’s what I’m calling it. Those sweet felines WILL go back to Mom and Papa Joe’s in about a week or so.) has kept me slightly busy.
But this faces. Look at how happy Nate and Maxim are…
Nate and Pumpkin
Maxim and Ginger
AND so. We will continue to love and nurture and feed and pet and water and scoop the litter box and play with these sweet kittens. And I’ll work on my “mom guilt” with these fur balls. I will love them, but I know that they are just fine entertaining each other and they do not need me every minute of the day. Gosh. They are sisters and they can entertain each other, for crying out loud. 🙂 This mom has work to do and blogging to keep up with!
In other news, I should share with you how I’ve signed up to play the trombone. But I’ll save that for another day…
Happy Wednesday friends!! ~ xo Angela Banae