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Weekend Recap: Easter FUN and The Golden Egg Hunt

I had every intention of posting about our weekend on Monday, but between book writing and “I’m going to work out to lose some of these extra pounds before swimsuit season hits” and running to track practice, then football practice…it was just BUSY.  So busy that we had to resort to swinging through the McDonald’s drive-thru for supper at 7:50 Monday night.  (I say resort to McDonald’s not because I’m too fancy for McDonald’s, but because I usually like to throw the McDonald’s wild card into the meal planning later on in the week.  Now, I feel like I’ve used all of my wild cards and guilt will consume me if when we have to resort to a drive-thru supper again later on in the week.) (Though that guilt won’t last long because sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do to SURVIVE.)

And then yesterday, was a similar REPEAT of the day before.  Busy little bees we are around here.  But today…I give you our Weekend Recap.

Our Easter weekend was a busy weekend filled with all manner of Easter festivities.

Friday afternoon, Hubby and I took the boys to Theisen’s.  Our purpose?  “Hon, I need to pick up some things for the tractor.” To which, the boys and I willingly agreed to go along.  Hey, when your hubby has a day off, you are all about wanting to spend it with him 🙂

What we didn’t realize was this…CHICKS.  CUTE CHICKS.  AND DUCKLINGS.  Yes, it’s springtime and Theisen’s has their usual CUTE chicks and ducklings for sale.  Which made it very difficult for us.  Because Maxim couldn’t understand why he couldn’t get a few chicks with his money.  And Nate even tried to convince us that they’d take really good care of them.

Nate longing to buy some chicks 🙂

Our unhappy camper…he wanted some chicks SO BAD!

After being the MEAN PARENTS because we couldn’t buy pet chicks and ducklings, we headed home and the boys and I made peanut butter bird nests.  If you recall my Plop ‘n Drop Peanut Butter cookies (Plop ‘n Drop Peanut Butter Krispie recipe), that is what we used to make the bird nests.  Then, the boys added some candy eggs and Peeps.  Easy and fun!

Shaping the nests 🙂

Bird Nests…easy baking!

Saturday, we dyed Easter eggs.  I was thrilled that we didn’t spill the vinegar and dye cups this year 🙂  “No spills” is what you call a successful egg dying experience.

Two great helpers!

Sunday morning, we woke to find the Easter Bunny had left wonderful surprises in their Easter baskets and he was so clever to hide eggs throughout the house.

Maxim found money in some of his eggs

Nate not wasting a single minute…eating a Reese’s peanut butter egg

After Easter morning festivities and a decent share of chocolate consumed, we went to church and then, scooted down to New Sharon to enjoy Easter at Grandma Helen’s.

On the way down to Grandma Helen’s, Maxim loved on his new puppy the Easter Bunny had left.  (Nate got one, too.  He was too busy enjoying a new game he got from the iTunes gift card the Easter Bunny had left.)

Maxim and Jack


We arrived and immediately took a family picture (because apparently, every boy and grown man needs to change out of his church clothes and into ‘comfy clothes’ as soon as possible). 🙂

Our family picture…it was a little bright out 🙂

We enjoyed a yummy dinner…ham, Aunt Debbie’s delicious cheesy corn, strawberry romaine lettuce salad, pasta salad, and more.  For dessert?  I brought a decadent cake…Surprise Cake.  (My dear friend, Julie, brought this to Dinner Club a long time ago and I plan to share the recipe later this week.  You will WANT to make it.  It’s so easy and soooo good.)  After eating, we had two egg hunts.  One egg hunt for the little kids and The Golden Egg Hunt for the big kids and high schoolers.

Maxim finding Easter eggs. I love his serious look 🙂

Ava, Grandma Helen, Maxim, and Brenik with his daddy after their egg hunt

Maxim sharing his Easter candy with Grandma Melanie

Nate ready for The Golden Egg Hunt

The big kids ready to find their egg with their name on it AND The Golden Egg

I made up this egg hunt, The Golden Egg Hunt, for the older kids.  They are feeling too old to look for candy filled eggs, but I came up with this game.  (Oh, those of you who know me well KNOW that I LOVE making up games.) (In college, my girlfriends nicknamed me Rule Maker because I always had rules to go along with a game.)  Every kid had to find an egg that had their name written on it.  Once they had their egg in their possession, they could go find The Golden Egg.  The Golden Egg had a $5 bill inside.  There were a few other big eggs jammed packed with bubble gum and chocolate eggs that they could pick up and keep along the way.  You all.  I’m not sure who had more fun…the adults hiding the eggs in TOUGH spots or the big kids hunting for the money egg!  It was a hit and next year, I plan to add a few more Golden Eggs…with a few more opportunities for them to find some cash 🙂

It was a nice Easter and of course, we are so thankful for the real reason…Jesus has risen!

Now, I have tons of Easter candy around our house.  And I need to show some self-control.  Otherwise, I’m defeating my “working out because swimsuit season will be here soon”.  If you’re needing a candy fix, stop by.  We have plenty and we are VERY willing to share!


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