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Weekend Recap: Fall fun, football, and Chocolate chip bars. Oh, and Christmas!

Yesterday, three of the four of us were down for the count.  Hubby was home sick, I was home sick, and Maxim…well.  That’s a whole other story.  (After finding out Daddy was coming home from work and me admitting that I was sure to be out of commission for the day with the sinus and achey crud, Maxim tearfully said that he didn’t feel well.  Before the downpour of tears could take place, I conceded and told him he could stay home, too.)  (He said that his belly hurt.  And…his ribs.  Okay, whatever man.  Just whatever.)

So, yesterday was spent with Daddy in the bedroom snoring away and Maxim and I out in the living room for most of the day.  In between my naps, Maxim and I happened to partake in about two or three movies.  As in, Christmas movies.  That’s right folks.  It’s that time of year.  CHRISTMAS MOVIES.  And…I AM ALL OVER IT.

Well, let me rewind.  Take you back to Friday.  On Friday, Maxim’s kindergarten class had a field trip to Bloomsbury Farm.  It was a cool, but sunny day for visiting the pumpkin patch, having a hayrack ride, and playing with his friends in bins of corn and on bales of hay.  It was such a FUN day!  I was so excited for this field trip because SACK LUNCHES.  I had a good excuse to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on soft white bread.  Oh, how I love soft sandwich bread…takes me back to my elementary days.  AND.  The night before, we made a special stop at the gas station so that Maxim and I could each get a big ol’ bag of chips.  Again, I reverted back to my days of youth and picked Funyuns.

The whole day was a delight to be with Maxim and his class of sweet five and six year olds. And Bloomsbury Farm is just a ball of fun.

I LOVE this little guy soooo much!

Playing in the corn bin

“Western Town” was one of Maxim’s favorite places to visit at Bloomsbury Farm

Well, after a fun day out on the Farm, I was ready to curl up in a blanket and veg on the couch Friday night.  So…Friday night at our house…is when we let the Christmas Craziness loose.  That’s right.  So what?  Who cares that it was only October 10th…we started the Christmas movie marathon that will last us from now until December 25th.  To kick off the season, we watched Arthur Christmas.

Such a cute movie!

You all.  I can’t tell you how much I LOVE CHRISTMAS.  (I am listening to Christmas music right now, as I type.  I may or may not have a problem…)  But I need to stop or this will be the longest blog post ever.  (I just made myself a note that this topic should be it’s very own blog post sometime soon…)


Saturday morning, we watched Nate and his team bring in a victory.  I absolutely love watching him play football.

That afternoon, the boys helped me bake some chocolate chip bars.  Halloween chocolate chip bars.  Because we used orange and black semi-sweet chocolate chips.  Before you go all crazy over my recipe, I’ll save you from the suspense.  It’s on the back of the Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip package.  At the bottom, they have a modified version of the recipe…for bars.  Take note:  only fold in 1 cup of chips into the dough.  THEN, sprinkle the remaining bag of chips on top of the bars.  That’s what makes it look so chocolate chippy and colorful.  And friends.  This is WAYYYY easier and quicker than making dozens and dozens of little cookies.

On Sunday, we went to church and afterwards, Hubby and the boys bolted for the 240.  They were excited to pick up their order of little catfish that Hubby had purchased for stocking the ponds.  I met my dear friend, Eileen, for lunch and an afternoon of catching up on life.  It was a delightful afternoon to be able to spend it with such a dear friend God has blessed me with.

While I was visiting with Eileen at Panera, the boys were savoring the beautiful fall weather at the 240.  They rode their bikes, went four wheeling, and did other various outdoorsy activities with their daddy.  The highlight of the afternoon was Nate receiving his very first Kid Picker item.  Papa Dan gave him a basketball WITH autographs all of that thing.  Nate was a beaming Kid Picker and immediately showed my his prized possession when I got home.  It was perfect that Dan gave Nate his first Kid Picker item.  Nate is so much like his daddy and grandpa.  They ALL love collecting things.  I just hope Nate’s collections aren’t as pricey as his daddy’s (Jeeps, Scouts, and other off-road vehicles).  Keep it within reason Nate.  Basketballs, football cards, autographs…yes, those are more in a Kid Picker’s price range.  (Though having a grandpa help you out is a bonus because the price of the basketball…free.)

And now, that brings us to today.  It’s a rainy Tuesday.  I’m hoping my sinus ick and sniffles will clear up because I’m not sure how productive I’ll be with all of this rainy weather.  Also, Facebook has been continuing to tempt me.  I keep seeing ads and posts of today being the release date for the Diamond Anniversary Edition of my all-time favorite Christmas movie…White Christmas.

A Christmas movie, a couch, and a rainy day.  The only thing better would be if it was snowing.  But I’m not quite ready for that…yet.


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