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Weekend Recap: Movies, basketball, and “God moments”

The Christmas spirit is ramping up at our house.  No.  I haven’t started decorating.  Yet.  But we are definitely getting our spirit of Christmas fired up.

Friday evening was a night spent just as we had planned…watching a Christmas movie and hanging out.  The boys picked The Polar Express.  Completely acceptable to this mom.  But by Saturday night, I think Daddy began to question my parenting, when Nate wanted to pick another Christmas movie.  Hubby was so tired from bow hunting this weekend, that we won due to his need of an early bedtime.  So, we watched Let It Snow, a Hallmark movie we had DVR’ed.

I’ll pause on the Christmas movies for a minute to share about other weekend events.

Saturday morning, we went to Nate’s basketball game.  It was a great game and I was so impressed with Nate’s team.  You see, I never EVER had the skills of a basketball player.  Back in my day, you could be a guard or a forward.  I chose to be a forward which was clearly the wrong choice, considering I couldn’t dribble a ball to save my life, much less shoot and make a basket.  I’m hoping our boys take after their daddy in this sport.  (When Hubby graduated from Iowa Valley, he was the second leading all-time scorer in basketball and he was elected to the 2nd Team All-State, as well.)  (Please, Lord.  Please hear my prayer and give the boys their daddy’s basketball skills, not. my. basketball. skills.  PLEASE.)  Nate’s team won and I happily performed my duty of cheering them on.  Cheering is one thing I am good at.  It comes from years of being an avid participant of this sport.  Six years of cheerleading and I like to think that I came by it naturally.  (Unlike basketball was for me.)  (And yes.  Cheerleading IS a sport.)  Regarding Nate’s basketball, I’m excited to see how his season will play out.  I think his team has a lot of potential.  And this isn’t just a biased mom talking.

Sunday, we had a little “God moment”.


The boys had talked about how they were practicing for a music program during a portion of their Sunday School time.  Well, Nate has never enjoyed singing at church in the children’s programs.  He gets nervous, shy, and anxious.  He doesn’t do this with his school programs, but with church programs, he does.  Sunday morning, he shared his worries and didn’t even want to go to Sunday School.  We made him go, but told him that he didn’t have to sing if he didn’t want to.  Well, the boys went to Sunday School and we went into our church service.  By the way, if you are ever looking for an awesome church where God’s Word is preached, then you must visit Stonebridge Church.  I can’t tell you how MUCH we love our church.  We have an amazing staff of pastors.  Every week, I am so encouraged and refreshed after hearing God’s Word preached.

Anyway, after our awesome service of Pastor Randy talking about Finding Joy in Life (Being generous, bold, and rejoicing now!), Hubby went to get the car while I picked up the boys from their Sunday School rooms.  As I walked up to Nate, he was standing with his teacher and another lady.  This lady was asking Nate if he’d like to have a part in the Christmas program.  It would be a part with no words, but dressed in character (either Joseph, an angel, or a shepherd).  He was actually excited and said, “Yes”.  I was shocked.  But God knows just the prodding and encouragement we need to help us face our fears.  What a “God moment”!  Now, this isn’t saying that Nate won’t get nervous or (if he’s like me) even later on, question his decision.  But.  He said YES.  And as parents, it’s our responsibility to nurture and encourage and help Nate believe that he CAN do this.  I love it.  It’s so like God to see just what Nate needed and He provided a solution.  This is exactly how we find joy in life.  When opportunities come our way that sound appealing, but might be intimidating, we need to be bold.  And rejoice in the fact that we have a MIGHTY God who is just waiting for us to say yes.  He’ll help us.  We just need to trust Him.

The rest of our Sunday continued to be a day of feeling blessed.  With a Christmas DVD ready to be watched in the car, we drove to Ankeny to see my little brother, Zach and his wife Ashely, and celebrate their two little girls’ birthdays.  It was so good to see them, my sister Caleigh and her family, and my dad.  It had been quite awhile since we had all seen each other, but it was worth the drive.  And that’s the thing.  It’s always worth it.  No matter how close or far away we are from loved ones, it always feels great to spend time together.  I left feeling so thankful that God has blessed me with the family I have.  So thankful that our boys acted like little gentlemen today.  So thankful that God knew I’d been longing for some family time with my dad and He provided us with a great afternoon of being together.

After a weekend of Christmas movies, basketball, Nate asked to be in the Christmas program (and saying, “YES!”), and two sweet little girls’ birthdays…I have a lot to be thankful for.

How about you?  Have a “God moment” you’d like to share?  It’s no coincidence.  It’s not just ‘ironic’.  God is in the day to day stuff and He’s just waiting for us to see Him.


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