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Well, HELLO Mr. Sun

I’m fully aware that summer is creeping upon us. It’s May 31st and school is almost out and then, SUMMER BREAK!!!! We are MORE than ready for summer to begin around here.

Not only is the calendar making me aware of summer approaching, but the heat has been ramping up and according to my frizzy hair, the humidity is spiking every day, too. #hairprobs

But hair frizz and school almost out aren’t the only indicators of summer. It’s the LOVELY tan lines that say summer is here. YES. I’m talking about some serious things right now. You see, if you saw me in a pair of shorts, you might think I had on bright red knee high socks. That would not be the case though. Because A.) I do not own a pair of red knee high socks. and B.) I have better fashion sense than that.

You see, on Sunday, we hosted our annual Cedar Rapids Track Meet at Kingston Stadium and LAWDY LAWDY, it. was. hot. And before I share about important things like tan lines and what have you, I’ll first show some pics of the boys. Because Nate and Maxim love them a little track. #bestillmyheart

Maxim getting ready for his 400 — he got 2nd place!

Nate getting ready to run the 400 — he got first in his heat!!

I can’t forget to give a shout out to Hubby and his buddies for helping at the meet…they were awesome timers 🙂

Now, back to more senseless bits of information…

I’m one of the coaches and on Sunday, I wore my black capri running tights because it went well with my Cedar Rapids Track Club tank top. And that my friends, is where one of my problems began. With the sweltering sun beating down on us from 10:30 in the morning until 7:00 that night, there was no escaping Mr. Sun, nor his powerful rays.

Normally, I’d be all for those rays of sun. (I love me a good tan.) But NOT when I am wearing capris. And so, I’m the proud owner of some fancy tan lines right below my knees. I’m sure you are all jealous. Hahaha.


AND. That is not the only problem with Mr. Sun and his “No MERCY”. Oh, no. I was wearing my Fitbit because STEPS, dear friends. Gotta get those steps in. And, now, when I take my Fitbit off at night to go to sleep (For those of you wondering, NO. I do not wear it to bed. I do not need to know how many times I am restless and awake.) (And, I can’t stand having it on when I go to bed. #tooconstricting), I have a beautiful tan line around my wrist. See the picture below…

Thank you, Fitbit, for the stunning tan line. Hahaha

Which leads me to this…Fitbit, you and I are kind of breaking up. We are not going to be as serious as we were, okay? I’ll wear you in the morning when I’m working out and in the house doing laundry and cleaning and all other various activities of summertime organizing. I’ll wear you when the boys and I work on reading and math or when we go to the mall or WHATEVER we do inside, but from the hours of ohhhh, say….1:00 – 6:00, we are breaking up. Listen, I can’t have a white wrist all summer long. Tan lines belong around swimsuits and such. Not around a Fitbit.

And so, to conclude this blog post today, I thought I’d share a few more important tidbits of information about summertime and Mr. Sun.

While at Target today, I stocked up on this…

Summertime necessities 🙂

Yes, I’m well aware of our boys’ ages. I know we could use the kids’ sunscreen, but I love the Coppertone Water Babies sunscreen. It’s not as greasy and it’s just a habit I can’t break. Gotta have the pink sunscreen can because it’s just THAT GOOD.

Also, do you see the Sun Bum sunscreen lip balm? Oh. My. Word. I haven’t used it before, but I can’t stand when my lips get sunburn. (Not to mention that I don’t need wrinkles when applying my favorite lipgloss.) I tried this as soon as I got home and it’s soooo yummy. If you love coconut, you’ll love this lip balm. You are welcome. 🙂

Well, that wraps up my feelings about tan lines and sunscreen. How about you? Ever had some bad tan lines? Share please. I like to know that I’m not the only one. 🙂  Or…do you have any summertime necessities that you just can’t live without? I’d love to hear them! Just add a comment at the bottom of the blog.

Now, let’s bring on summer!! ~ xo Angela Banae


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