I thought it would be good to do a monthly post about what I’ve been reading. You know…what’s on my night stand? Or what’s next to our big chair in the living room? Or to be honest…what I’ve been carrying around in my purse (just in case I have a few minutes to spare 🙂 )? I’m always looking for a good book, aren’t you?
Up first, my morning devotionals. Specifically, the book of Nehemiah.
Monday through Friday, IF: Equip website sends me an email. You all. If you aren’t in a good Bible reading place at the moment and find it hard to read and understand the Bible, but want to change that, then stop reading this and go over to IF: Equip immediately and sign up to receive their emails. You will love it!
IF: Equip.com is a great tool to help with Bible reading!
Right now, we are reading the book of Nehemiah. Don’t let that big name scare you…I had never read Nehemiah until this latest study that IF: Equip is doing. But I love it! I’m learning so much from this morning devotional time. I read God’s Word for that day, watch the 2 minute video on the website of two gals who discuss what the verses for that day mean and how it applies to our day-to-day life, and if I have time, I read through other people’s comments. This is my favorite way to start out the day. (And with a cup of coffee and LOTS of creamer!) 🙂
Next book that I’m reading…Fervent by Priscilla Shirer.
I’m half way through this book and wow. Priscilla has so much to share with how to pray fervently! After seeing her movie, “War Room”, it’s made me read this book with even more determination. It’s a good book with a lot of great tips of how to be specific when praying.
THIS BOOK…For The Love by Jen Hatmaker
You will want to be Jen Hatmaker’s BFF when you are done reading this.
Oh. my. word. LISTEN. Jen Hatmaker is so funny, REAL, and brutally honest. She will have you laughing one minute and tearing up the next. This sister is hilarious. I am LOVING everything about this book. From a good recipe, to recommending great music, discussing fashion faux pas, to talking about how to run your race. She is a great author!
This next book is what we’ll be studying in the women’s Bible studies that will begin soon…The Armor Of God by Priscilla Shirer.
I’ve done another Bible study by Priscilla Shirer (Discerning the Voice of God) and it was incredible! I love how she brings in her own life stories and ties it into what we are studying. Priscilla is an amazing teacher of God’s Word. I am so excited to begin this study!
And because we are trying to stay on top of homework and “participate in good parenting” at our house, I’ll share what we’re reading with the boys. Yes. I have a few children’s books to recommend, too. I’m sure you are feeling like you’ve just won the lottery with all of these great book recommendations.
Nate and I are reading this…The Magician’s Nephew (Book 1 in The Chronicles of Narnia series) by C.S. Lewis.
This is the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series.
Ok. I’ll be honest. This book has taken us over a year to finish. Just putting it out there. It’s a GREAT book, but if you know how I am, we fall in and out of being consistent about things…like reading a chapter before bed. Maxim, Nate, and I usually lay in Nate’s bed and I’ll read for about ten minutes. At this point, Maxim is usually done and he thinks the witch is kind of scary (yes, Son, she is) and Nate is begging for me to keep reading and I’m tired and it’s bedtime. BUT. We love this book and soon, Nate and I will be done reading it and begin the second book in this series. (*We have watched the movies and this has helped the boys to understand this series. We LOVE the “Chronicles of Narnia” movies!)
We LOVE Aslan!
And one final book for the month…Junie B. Jones Is (almost) a Flower Girl by Barbara Park.
Maxim is loving Junie B. Jones! (I loved this series when I taught first grade!)
Maxim came home the other day announcing that they started reading Junie B. Jones in class. I was thrilled! This series is one of my absolute favorites! So, we curl up on the couch in the evenings and I’ll read a few pages or a chapter or until he sees Daddy turn on the t.v. to the show “Counting Cars” or some deer hunting show where the hunter is whispering about the big buck he sees in sight. #keepingitreal
There you have it! What I’m reading lately! Do you have any recommendations? Share please! I love a good book!!
I hope you like this post…I’d love feedback! If this is something you find helpful, I’ll do a “What I’ve been reading lately” post at the beginning of each month.
Happy reading! ~ Angela Banae