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Weekend Recap: Frosted Sugar Cookie Recipe and Christmas festivities have begun!

I’ve very aware that after last Tuesday’s I love 80’s Christmas music post, I fell off the face of the earth and was nowhere to be seen or heard.  Unless you were at Target, then…you saw me there.  Or Younkers.  Or Casey’s.  Yes, I was running around buying more Christmas gifts, gift cards, and last minute gifts to make things “even for the boys”.

And so, though I wanted to blog, it was just utterly impossible with my responsibilities as Head Elf.  You see, I was making a list and checking it twice.  Socks were needing to be bought.  Gift cards for bus drivers and teachers were purchased.  And a variety of other items needed to be thrown into the shopping cart.  Basically, I was a shopping fool.

(On that note, I am firmly convinced that I’d be a horrible Early Bird Christmas Shopper.  If I had all of my Christmas shopping complete by November 10th, our budget would be in trouble.  Because as it draws closer to Christmas, I add more things to my shopping list.  I think of other ideas that our boys would like.  Just one more Bath & Body Works soap for this person.  One more calendar for that person.  Basically, I keep buying more gifts until time runs out.  Or my wallet says to stop.)

Besides the steady performance of Christmas shopping last week, on Thursday evening, my family and I attended a Christmas concert at our church to see the group Selah perform.  What a great concert!  I truly enjoyed relaxing and actually just sitting and listening to them sing songs of our King being born.

A great performance by Selah!

By the time the weekend rolled around, I started baking and cooking and making and everything else Betty Crocker does.  On Sunday, we began Christmas festivities by celebrating Christmas with Hubby’s family.

Love them!!! Chloe, Tate, Nate, and Maxim

We had a wonderful Christmas visiting, eating soups and yummy foods, and spending time together.  The boys were super thrilled to get new bows, complete with ‘arrows’ that whistled as they were launched.  Other than needing to duck from a random arrow that was flying overhead, it was a relaxing afternoon of spending time with the family.

On Sunday evening, I attended our annual Christmas Bunko get-together with my Bunko friends.  This would be with many of the same people I blogged about (Shopping friends. Forever friends.) when we went on our annual shopping trip back in November.  Mary hosted the party and we all brought an appetizer or dessert to share and had fun exchanging gifts.  (I plan to share the dessert recipes that I brought on the blog tomorrow… Monster Cookie Dough Dip/Cheeseball.  And Christmas Brownies.  Both are so easy and so good!)

Christmas Bunko…love these friends!!

And now.  I’d love to share a favorite recipe that will knock your socks off.  Santa will be thrilled if you leave these for him on Christmas Eve.  Frosted Sugar Cookies.

If you are looking for the BEST sugar cookies EVER…then, look no further.  Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved these cookies.  Ruby (a sweet lady from our church) would bring the Santa Claus cookies to every church Christmas program.  When I got married, Ruby gave me her Sugar Cookie recipe, along with The BEST frosting EVER! recipe.  I shared with you the frosting recipe back in May.  This frosting recipe is the same one I use for my sugar cookies.  It. is. amazing.  (Click on the link above to see how to make the frosting.)

Here is the Sugar Cookie recipe that I’ve used, thanks to Ruby for sharing it with me so many years ago.

Sugar Cookies


1 cup oleo (or margarine)          1 tsp. salt

2 cups sugar                                 4 and 1/2 cups flour

3 eggs                                             1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream together the oleo, sugar, eggs, and vanilla.  In a separate bowl, mix the flour, salt, and baking soda.  Then, add the flour mixture to the oleo/sugar mixture.  Mix well.  Wrap dough in Saran Wrap and place in a ziploc baggie.  Chill dough for at least two hours or over night.  Lighly flour your counter.  Roll out the sugar cookie dough and cut with decorative cookie cutters.  Place cookies on cookie sheet.  Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes.  (*You want the edges to not be brown.)  Cool cookies on foil.  Then, frost the cookies using The BEST frosting EVER! recipe.  I let the frosted cookies set on the counter for about an hour or so, until the frosting has slightly hardened.  Then, place in Tupperware containers and freeze.  *Take the cookies out of the freezer the day you will use them.  They are soft and ready to eat within a few hours. **The key to these delicious cookies is the frosting AND making sure you only roll the dough out and cut them at about 1/4 inch.  If you roll the dough out too much, the cookies are too thin and won’t be as soft.

*To make Santa Claus cookies, cut a raisin in half for Santa’s eyes.  Put them on the dough before you bake them.  After frosting him with a red hat, red rosy cheeks and lips, and white for his beard and fur trim on the hat, you may use coconut on his beard to give it texture and extra taste.

Ready to bake! 8 minutes…at the most 10 minutes! Some of the Santa cookies have raisins for the eyes.

Some Santa cookies have coconut added to his frosting beard, and some don’t. (The boys don’t care for coconut.)  Also, some have black frosting for his eyes, some have raisins for the eyes.

Cookies left out last year on our “Santa plate”…Santa ate them all up on Christmas Eve!

There you have it!  These cookies will change your life.  You will want to make them at every holiday.  Valentine’s Day, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day…the list goes on and on.  I guarantee that Santa will be THRILLED if your kids leave these out for him on Christmas Eve.  And if you are feeling too overwhelmed with lists of things to do, then make them in January.  Frosted snowflake sugar cookies are perfect for those snowy days.

As you can see, it was a super busy weekend, but a fun time was had by all!  I hope you are enjoying the Christmas season.


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