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Weekend Recap: Labor Day fun and Hubby’s birthday weekend

We’ve had a fun long weekend (Thank you, Labor Day.  You are a gift.) and it was all about celebrating Hubby’s birthday.  As in, ALL WEEKEND LONG.  That’s how important birthdays are to me.

See, though you have a birthDAY, I believe one needs to celebrate their birthWEEK.  As in, bring on the celebrating four or five days before your actual birthday.

So, Friday night, the boys and I “let” Hubby pick out the movie we would rent from DISH.  Which meant:  a.)  something kid friendly,  b.)  something we haven’t seen before, and c.)  it would probably be a Disney or what have you kid-type of movie.

Nate, I mean Daddy picked Bears, a Disneynature documentary that followed an Alaskan mama bear named Sky and her two cubs, Amber and Scout.  Well.  Nate, Maxim, and I were on the edge of our seats more than once.  Because little cub Scout was almost eaten or attacked by a wolf or another grizzly bear at least THREE TIMES.  So much for a calm night of watching a movie.  (Note:  Daddy made it about 40 minutes into the movie before he was sawing logs.)

Saturday, the boys and I ran to get groceries and I had the BEST morning ever while we were grocery shopping at Target.  Because…

Pumpkin Spice Latte.  Pure heaven.  I almost didn’t hear Nate and Maxim fighting in the paper towel aisle because my Starbucks drink was just that good.

Saturday evening, we went to our friends’ house for a fun night filled with delish smoked chicken and ribs (Michelle can cook like BOSS), salads, and fun.  I brought German Chocolate bars in honor of Hubby’s birthday weekend (he loves German Chocolate cake).  We had a great time with our friends discussing college football, how to smoke meat, and of course, rocking out with a mixture of great tunes (think Kenny Chesney, Pearl Jam, Cinderella, and more).

Sunday, my parents invited my brother and his family and our family over to celebrate my brother Ben’s and Patrick’s birthdays.  They are about two weeks apart.  Ironically, Ben’s wife Tara and I are about two weeks apart, also.  (Sidenote:  My birthday is at the end of this month.  ahhhmm…September 26th.  So, I’ll begin celebrating around the 20th or so…remember.  Week long celebrating…that’s how we do it around here.)

Once again, we had delish food.  Ribs (the guys love them), potatoes, corn that the boys and I helped freeze (remember these pictures?  Freezing corn) , and desserts galore.  Mom made her famous Pizza Dessert  (Pizza Dessert recipe), and I made Ben and Patrick their favorite kind of cake…German Chocolate Cake.  A great time was had by all!

While we were all visiting at my parents, Tara gave me an early birthday present (that’s what I’m calling it.  Because this is a GIFT.  One that I’ve been wanting FOREVER.).  Tara showed me this amazing app called Pixlr Express.


Listen friends.  My world has forever changed.  I can’t even.  See, I’m so tech savvy.  Except the opposite.  I’ve seen how people write on their photos and put cute little white edges on their photos before they share them on Facebook or on their blogs.  Well, I didn’t know how to do that.  UNTIL NOW.

Tara is the most amazing person.  She is a K-12 art teacher, mom, wife, wonderful sister-in-law, youth group leader…the list could go on.  And she is so passionate about technology and photography.  I wish I could be in one of her high school classes.  I would learn soooo much.  A big thank you to her for sharing her wisdom and tips!

Now, my recipes will look so much more professional and the pics will look so cool that you’ll probably be double tempted to make them.  (Speaking of recipes, here is a shout out to JB…they made my Maid-Rites this weekend and he said that the kids loved them.  It was my pleaure to pass on the secret recipe, JB.  An easy recipe, but oh so good!  Maid Rites recipe)

Isn’t this just the coolest app?  I know.  You’ll thank me for sharing this with you.

Monday, the boys had fun fishing at the pond with my parents.  It’s crazy because Nate would cast out his line and BOOM.  He’d have a fish.  He caught four fish within 20 minutes.  That’s my kind of fishing.

My mom taking Nate’s fish off the hook

Maxim and Papa Joe waiting for a fish to bite

Our fun weekend was coming to an end so, in birthday honors, we let Birthday Boy pick what he’d like for supper.  As in, what kind of take-out he would like for supper.  (It’s a holiday weekend folks.  I needed a break from the oven.)  We haven’t had Pizza Hut in forever, so he chose that (Bless him.  He knows how much the kids and this mama LOVE pizza.).

A nice weekend was had by all.

And now.  It’s Tuesday.  Patrick’s actual birthday!  Let the festivities continue.  Nothing shows love like spoiling someone and making that person feel special.  Happy Birthday Hubby!  You are the a wonderful husband and amazing daddy to our boys!


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