Happy 8th Birthday Maxim!

Dear Maxim, It's hard to believe that today you are 8 years old. EIGHT!!! Time is flying by so fast!! I can remember the day you were born so vividly. My water broke at 7:00 while we were eating Papa Murphy's pizza and you meant business because three hours later, you arrived at 37 1/2 weeks! You came ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Kittens, fashion, and family

Greetings my dear leprechaun-o friends! I hope you are sporting some manner of green to ward off the pinchers today. :) I've chosen to start celebrating St. Patrick's Day with a bowl of Lucky Charms. I know. Party animal. We've had a wonderful spring break. It's been a nice week off from school and having no ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Springtime candles, fashion, and more

I'm so happy that it's Friday!! Between doctor appointments and working and baking cakes and celebrating Nate's 12th birthday, it has been one busy week! And the weekend will only get busier with the last basketball game of the season, more celebrating, and DayLight Saving Time (and everyone groaned at the thought of losing that ...

Fun Friday Favorites: A variety of favorites

It's my favorite day of the week!!! FRIDAY!! And that means it is time for Fun Friday Favorites! For starters, as I shared in yesterday's post, I'm working on being back on the blog 2-3 times a week. I realize life is super busy, but fashion and favorites cannot take a backseat. I have told myself ...

Peanut Butter Fudge Cake

Well, how is that for an entry back into the blogging world? No "hello". No "Sorry I've been gone from here for so long". Just bam...a recipe. Nothing gets me excited like food, so I thought that would be an easy segue from being gone from the blog for so long. Food. It always brings people ...