Recipe: Best Frosting EVER…How to become a cake snob (Part 2)

(Disclosure:  This blog is not always going to be about recipes...I promise.  Because I'm not that fancy.  Or qualified.  And I don't bake and cook a lot - just ask Hubby.  Also.  I am not a professional baker.  I don't always do it the Betty Crocker way.  This recipe is what my mom and Ruby ...

Recipe: Best Cake EVER…How to become a cake snob (Part 1)

I’m a cake snob.  It’s my mother’s fault.  Or gift.  Ever since we were young, she has been making cakes for us on our birthdays.  Now, no, not EVERY birthday, but she has done this for many of our birthdays. Ruby DeYoung is also to thank for this.  Growing up, she was THE baker in our ...