Weekend Recap: Thanksgiving, crazy shopping, and little bit of decorating

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of turkey, pumpkin pie, and GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE.  I can't tell you how much I love green bean casserole.  I always offer to bring it to Thanksgiving because it is just DELIGHTFUL. We celebrated Thanksgiving at Hubby's parents with a yummy meal full of all the fixings. ...

Happy Thanksgiving! Ten (or twenty) things I am thankful for…

Hello friends!  I hope you are planning a festive day of eating until you feel like a stuffed turkey celebrating the many gifts that we all have to be thankful for.  This IS the season of thanksgiving...so, I feel it only appropriate that I tell I am thankful for YOU, dear reader.  Thank you for following my ...

Weekend Recap: It’s beginning to look a lot like Thanksgiving!

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you who shared some of your favorite make-up products!  I am excited to try some new mascara and other items.  I love it when you share your favorites.  Thank you, thank you!  In case you didn't get a chance to read Friday's post...it's right here Fun ...

Only 50 days until Christmas…

I realize we've just celebrated Halloween.  It's evident with the amount of candy we have around our house.  Not to mention that yesterday, I found two big bags of candy that I forgot I hid....in hopes of it lasting until Halloween so we could fill up the trick-or-treaters' buckets.  I hid it too well.  Because ...

Weekend Recap: Another year older and feeling like a million bucks

Let me just lay it out on the table.  Because I'm sure you've been wondering...Yes, my birthday weekend was lovely. Friday, I was serenaded by 19 sweet little kindergarteners as I walked into Maxim's class.  His teacher had them sing "Happy Birthday" to me and it was pretty much 101% cute factor hearing these little cherubs ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Fourth of July, Zach Johnson, and Stay-cations

It's been a busy few weeks and I need to get back into my thrice a week blogging.  This vacationing and playing all day and partying all night has got to stop.  Sometime. So, this week's Fun Friday Favorites will not showcase my favorite fashions, soaps, shoes, or whatnot.  I'll be sharing some of my favorite ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Happy Fourth of July!

Hello all! Happy 4th of July!!  It's great to be an American!!  As we celebrate our country's independence, I need to make sure to thank God for all of the blessings He has blessed our nation with.  We live in a country where we have so many freedoms and so many blessings. To catch you up to ...

Weekend Recap: Our Father’s Day weekend…trophies, trucks, and tractors.

We had a nice weekend, but I have to be honest.  I need to apologize now because this post is not very entertaining, so you may want to stop reading right now.  Ok.  Don't say I didn't warn you. Friday, I met some former co-workers out for chips and salsa to celebrate their last day of school. ...

Weekend Recap: I might be in the next hot dog eating contest…

Well, it was another weekend of fun for our household.  And yes, this is a Weekend Recap post, not the normal Take a Trip Tuesday post because HOLIDAY.  Yes, even we bloggers need to take time to enjoy the most current holiday and do all manners of partying and celebrating.  But, not to fear.  We'll ...

Recipes for Memorial Day: Perfect Pasta Salad and Plop ‘n Drop Peanut Butter Krispies

(I wrote two posts today...this one giving you some GREAT and EASY recipes.  And, one under the devotional tab.)  (Yah, I guess I was in a typing mood to go and put up two posts in one day.  I don't see this happening often.  Because I'm just not that ambitious.  Or creative.) I thought I'd ...