Fun Friday Favorites: Mother’s Day ideas and somebody’s got a birthday…

I can't believe Mother's Day is this weekend!  Time is flying like crazy.  I wanted to put some gift ideas on the blog, in case you were wondering what to get that special mom of yours.  Or in case you wanted to forward this blog on to your husband and remind him that wonderful gifts ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Beach Fashion because I’m ready for summer

I'm clearly aware that it is May 1st...May Day.  And I hope you are busy helping your children fill up Solo cups with popcorn and licorice and bubble gum because we MUST KEEP THE MAY DAY TRADITION GOING STRONG.  I ran to Target last night to buy the last three bags of pre-popped popcorn and stocked ...

Fun Friday Favorites: What our week has been like and some spring fashion

Lately, I've been riding this crazy roller coaster and whew.  It is exhausting.  For starters, I finished the first draft of my book.  Can I get a HALLELUJAH?  As you know, I'm writing a memoir about my life and this week, I finished it!  (That was the fun part of the roller coaster ride.)  Now, ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Surprise Cake recipe, spring fashion, and my favorite book

It's been a busy week and my apologies for only posting twice.  Track practice, football practice, meetings, writing my book, and Nate's music program kept us running nonstop. But I'm ready to share some Fun Friday Favorites.  You are going to LOVE this amazing recipe I'm about to share.  And the spring fashion I'm highlighting is ...

Fun Friday Favorites: All kinds of Easter goodness and an easy recipe

Today's Fun Friday Favorites are all about Easter. I'll highlight some Easter fashion because everyone loves a new outfit for Easter Sunday.  And I want to share a few tunes that are just lovely in honor of one of the most important holidays coming upon us.  Also, in honor of Resurrection Sunday, I'll share with you an ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Simple and easy Easter decorating for the home

I can't believe that Easter will be here before we know it.  Time is flying just like the robins that are swarming in our yard.  Spring is here and I couldn't be happier.  Today's Fun Friday Favorites will get you in the mood to decorate your home for Easter (if you haven't already done so). ...

Fun Friday Favorites: A little fashion and a lot of spring break

Well, I've done my best to showcase some great tops for spring.  Because we all know that it's time to organize our closets and move the winter clothes to the waaaaayyy back and bring up the spring tops front and center.  I'd love to say that I've been so productive this week while the boys ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Springtime and a smattering of fashionable shoes

Spring break officially begins today for the boys, but by the looks of it around would have thought I was on spring break this entire week in some remote tropical location where neither an internet connection nor laptop were to be found.  I haven't blogged since Monday and my reasons are...well, weak.  To say ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Luck o’ the Irish

My whole intentions were to highlight Easter decor today.  Maybe it's because I finally took down all of the the winter decorations on Tuesday in the midst of a prednisone-enhanced cleaning spree and put up all manner of bunnies, tulips, and more.  But Maxim.  Our little guy.  He called me out. "Mom?  Where are the leprechaun ...

Some of my favorite things at Target

Well, I'm pleased to announce that I went to the doctor yesterday and after receiving a prescription for a hefty dose of prednisone, the road to recovery is already in my sight. I thought I might need some antibiotics, but wasn't 100% sure that what I have is bacterial.  Am I the only one who tries ...