Giving thanks at Thanksgiving and always

Well, hello dear readers! It has been too long! And tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Bring on the  green bean casserole, mashed potatoes & gravy, appetizers, pie, and rolls. Oh, and the turkey. (Can you tell I love me some carbs??!!!) Many things have been consuming me, with writing my book proposal at the very top of the ...

Fun Friday Favorites: It’s officially sweater weather

Look at those two handsome boys. The other night, we stopped by Daddy's work and they immediately began "working" at his desk. They never run out of energy. Me, on the other hand. I run out of energy when I have to remember decimal rules. Yes. Our week was filled with all kinds of excitement. We've ...

Weekend Recap: Deer hunting and Charlie Brown’s new movie

We had another busy weekend with both of the boys having basketball games, looking for some new living room furniture, meetings, and that's just a few of the things that were on the Patterson calendar. YIKES! I feel the need to share some news. I heart Charlie Brown. No, I haven't always loved him, but the ...

Fun Friday Favorites: Nail polish, Thanksgiving decor, and the boys

It's Friday!! My favorite day of the week. Today's post is a random list of things. I felt it necessary to share some nail polish favs. And with Thanksgiving upon us at the end of the month, I have some decor I found that would be wonderful in your cozy home. Also, I am taking time ...

It’s been a little quiet on here

Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Ah, yes. Thankfully, you are, dear friend. You, my friend, are SOLID. We are SOLID FRIENDS. No fair weather friendship here. Thank you. It's been quiet on here, but I can explain. First. Let me begin by sharing what we've been up to lately. Last Friday, I helped with Maxim's party at school. ...

Fun Friday Favorites: I can’t stop thinking about comfy clothes

I think this cooler weather is to blame. And that I've been writing from home more this week, rather than going to Coffeesmiths. Therefore, I've been all about comfy clothes. Surely, on Sunday afternoon, after your kids have trick-or-treated Saturday night like it was THEIR JOB, you'll be ready for some comfy clothes to lounge in. ...

What I’m reading lately (and a messy break up story)

Before I share about my latest reading material, I feel it necessary to divulge my latest status on something. Pumpkin Spice Coffee-mate and I...we've broken up. I know. I know. On Monday, it he was listed as one of my favorite pumpkin things. But today. My eyes were opened. We are no longer a couple. It's not him. It's ...

Graveyard Bars recipe and Grandma Helen’s Fall Party

Sunday night through yesterday, we were up to our necks in the stomach bug and not feeling well around here. Not this mama, but Maxim and Hubby and then, Nate felt under-the-weather yesterday. So, the boys and I stayed home and watched a good amount of t.v. in pajamas. Here's to hoping we are over that ...